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With oil and natural gas prices rising rapidly, the political [ ] for alternative energy development seems to be gaining momentum in the U.S.
① tempered ② climate
Assessing whether a timber trader has exercised due diligence is inherently [ ] and requires a burden of proof.
① subjective ② subjectivity
With digital music file downloading becoming the general trend, music companies are [ ] to stick to the strategy of targeting pop maniac groups who tend to be loyal collectors as well as consumers of pop music for the time being.
① unlikely② likely
These changes were [ ] assimilated into everyday life.
① gradual ② gradually
Any patient who has serious difficulty getting to a pharmacy can [ ] to have their medicines dispensed by the doctor.
① ask ② tell
Some countries have [ ] to use DDT because it is regarded as a cheap and effective way to eradicate malaria, a major problem in Africa.
① resumed ② discontinue
With the perfect climate allowing natural perfume extracts to grow in [ ], the French perfume industry is able to create superior fragrances and has the valid reputation of being the world’s best purveyor of fine perfumes.
① abandonment ② abundance
Industrial pollution is derived [ ] from power plants and from plants that refine and manufacture basic metals.
① principally ② reluctantly
A good judge was [ ] all along.
① partial ② disinterested
Music has the ability to [ ] barriers like nothing else.
① transform ② transcend
The psychiatrist must learn to maintain an unusual degree of [ ].
① objectivity ② objectify
A flawed record-keeping system has resulted in the Jetta Health Insurance Company making [ ] payments totaling millions of dollars to former customers whose medical benefits had expired.
① failed ② erroneous
A Metropolitan police spokesman said two men were being treated for gunshot wounds but [ ] had life threatening injuries.
① either ② neither
The two groups that left benefited because their leaders were able to draw on [ ] of previous droughts.
① knowledge ② acknowledge
The original and the copy are easily [ ] since the one is much more vivid than the other.
① extinguish ② distinguish
As part of worldwide efforts to [ ] global warming, many countries have set goals to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and oil refineries.
① curve ② curb
Scientists create jellyfish: Scientists have grown jellyfish in a laboratory to study the feeding [ ] of marine life.
① habits ② inhabits
Films featuring older actresses tend not to require expensive special effects, either, so budgets are more reasonable, often [ ] $40 million.
① not less than ② less than
Welfare is nothing more than charity, and charity is optional; tax payers should not be [ ] into giving.
① refused ② coerced
They feel a bit better once a month, on payday, but nothing else about the job is [ ].
① bad ② good
Today, machines from laptops to mobile phones to personal digital assistants run off these old-fashioned power sources, and the [ ] are becoming all too evident.
① infinities② limitations
Thanks to the denim explosion of the past few years, customers have a [ ], and often bewildering, array of choices.
① boundless ② surroundings
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답이랑 해설 쪽지로 부탁드려요.. 많이 틀린듯..