영어 EBS N제 변형문제<3>
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영어영역 EBS 변형교재 <Hit The Nail> 저자입니다.
세 번째 변형문제입니다.
중요한 여름방학 기간, 공부에 꼭 도움이 되면 좋겠어요!
1. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오
The crucial time-bound aspect of entertainment is its (A) . As with fruit, experiences are time-sensitive, and they diminish in importance as time passes. Unlike souvenirs we purchase as mementoes, experiences cannot be taken home ─ they survive in our memory rather than in our shopping bags. We can purchase a book, but the experience of reading is nonetheless mental. And while the book jacket and graphics may seduce us into buying the book, the experiential pleasure of that book lies in its verbal consumption. Not investments like gold or consumables like popcorn, experiences are (B) , with ever-changing content. The value of an experience is based on an audience member’s willingness to pay for it. When was the last time you paid for an experience? Was it worth the price? [N제 p.61 121번]
(A) (B) (A) (B)
① perishability substantial ② consistency variable
③ perishability intangible ④ consistency unchangeable
⑤ flexibility meaningful
2. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것은?
Human teeth are unusual compared with those of other animals. They are even in height, and the top and bottom set meet. Such regularity is surprising — it is certainly not needed for eating. It is valuable for the pronunciation of a number of sounds, such as S, F, V, SH and TH. Human lips have muscles which are considerably more developed than those in the lips of other primates. The mouth is relatively small, and can be opened and shut rapidly. This makes it simple to pronounce sounds such as P and B, which require a total stoppage of the airstream with the lips and a sudden release of pressure. The human tongue is thick, muscular and mobile, as opposed to the long, thin tongues of monkeys. The advantage of a thick tongue is that the size of the mouth cavity can be varied, allowing a range of vowels to be pronounced. [N제 p.34 64번]
① the biological importance of tongue in human metabolism
② the possibility of evolution in teeth structure for ease in digestion
③ the influence human teeth’s structure has on pronouncing sounds
④ the evolutionary history of changes in the structure of human teeth
⑤ cultural variation in the way people pronounce certain common sounds
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틀리는 것도 당연히 하나의 과정이죠!
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